Giveaway Blueming's Blooming Catalog (Closed!)

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Hi there!
In-game name: Lindsay
Island name: Republic
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): sets of the day :)

Also, may I request the amps?
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In-Game Name: Phoebe
Island Name: Sfienrow
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): Sets of the day, Kitchen island, Soft-serve lamps, and elephant slide.
In-game name: Raven
Island: Moga Isle
Interested in cataloging: Everything (just in case I am pissing parts of a set), including Poosters
Requesting: Studio Lights and Studio Wall Lights
In game name: Justine
Island: Calabash
Interested in cataloging: Black diner set, reddish brown rattan set, sets of the day, and poosters!
In-Game Name: Nanami
Island Name: Hiatus
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): Current sets of the day
heya janelle! would love to stop by again. i'm gonna take a shower so i'll be back in ~30 mins, will pm you when i'm ready! :>

In-Game Name: Vivi
Island Name: Rakuen
Interested in Cataloging: sets of the day + reddish brown rattan set + poosters!
In-Game Name: Vadim
Island Name: Alinos
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): Climbing wall, Cordless phone, Desktop computers, Humidifier, Mobile, Simple Panel
Sets of the day
Poosters :D
I'd love to drop by!

In-Game Name: Sakura
Island Name: Kocho
Interested in Cataloging:
- Current sets -

Baby chair set
Candy machine set
Changing room set
Climbing wall set
Colorful wheel set
Cordless phone set
Cream diner set
Heart doorplate set
Menu chalkboard set
Mobile set
Pinball machine set
Plastic pools set

- Sets of the day -

Synthesizer set
Throwback wall clock set
Old fashion alarm clock sets
Handcart sets
Hello, may I come please?

In-Game Name: Polillita
Island Name:CoqitoAzul
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters):Handcarts
In-Game Name: Sela
Island Name: Florem
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): sets of the day + cardboard boxes, humidifiers
In-Game Name: Jen
Island Name: Midori
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): sets of the day + coffee cups and colorful wheels ^^
In game name: Donna
Island name : Ruatha
Interested in cataloging: sets of the day

P.S. like the new icon!
your new icon’s cute!

in-game name: xara
island name: axolotl
interested in cataloging: throwback wall clocks :>
Hi there!

this is awesome, thank you!

In-Game Name: Sami
Island Name: IsleSchmoo
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): mostly the kitchen items, shower, and arcade games :)
Closing this thread up now :)

Also I don't know who left those Mom's homemade cakes for me but thank you so much!!
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