Giveaway Blueming's Blooming Catalog (Closed!)

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In-Game Name: Simone

Island Name: Nook Isle

Interested in Cataloging: sets of the day and current sets (only for the Humidifier, because I think that I missed to catalogue it the last time)

Thank you <3
Lucia from Lilac Cove!

Interested in Sets of the Day.

Can I request Throwback Racecar Beds and Upright Vaccum as sets of the day!?
In-Game Name: Sela
Island Name: Florem
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): sets of the day and poosters!
Hi Janelle, can I request cream and sugar, bathroom sink and hammock for the next sets of the day? Thank youu~ <3

In-Game Name: Hana
Island Name: Tsubaki
Interested in Cataloging: sets of the day
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In-Game Name: Vadim
Island Name: Alinos
Interested in Cataloging: Sets of the day

I'd like to request to request the wall-mounted phone set! Thanks for doing this!
In-Game Name: Wookaru
Island Name: Koyo
Interested in Cataloging: Sets of the Day

Thank you so much!

In-Game Name: Zaraki
Island Name: Sentosa
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): Sets of the day
hi! i'd love to come over if possible!

In-Game Name: Art
Island Name: Peanut
Interested in Cataloging: current sets + sets of the day
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In-Game Name: ~Kilza~
Island Name: Vasisland
Interested in Cataloging: Sets of the Day

I'd also like to suggest the wall-mounted tool board as a set of the day, thanks!
hey I'd love to come too!

In-Game Name: Cat
Island Name: Nibiru
Interested in Cataloging: Sets of the Day
In-Game Name: Zenni
Island Name: Dokdo
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): just a few Sets of the day! I'll be quick :D

Can I request gears for next sets of the day?
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