Giveaway Blueming's Blooming Catalog (Closed!)

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Hiya! Good afternoon!

In-Game Name: Eowyn
Island Name: Ember
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): Sets of the Day please :)

Thank you <3

Also I'm unsure how this works but I'd like to request the hanging scroll for the next set of the day please! <3
Hi again :)

In-Game Name: Pudding
Island Name: Altamira
Interested in Cataloging:Sets of the day

Also if possible could I request the school desk and school chair sets for the next sets of the day?

Thank you as always!
In-Game Name: Phoebe
Island Name: Sfienrow
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): Sets of the Day!
Hello and thank you! :)

In-Game Name: carol
Island Name: tulgey
Interested in Cataloging: sets of the day and white rattan set.
In-Game Name: Bridgette
Island Name: Tangaroa
Interested in Cataloging: sets of the day & white rattan set :)

Thank you!
Thanks again!

IGN: Zaraki
Island: Sentosa

Here for sets of the day! Can I request the accessories stand too?
Hello again! n-n;

In-Game Name: Hana
Island Name: Tsubaki
Interested in Cataloging: sets of the day
Request: kimono stand and simple kettle

Thanks again! 💖
Oh I'm coming with extra DIYs again if that's okay. @.@
In-Game Name: Yaan
Island Name: Matcha
Interested in Cataloging: sets of the day!

Thanks so much again!
Hello again! n-n;

In-Game Name: Hana
Island Name: Tsubaki
Interested in Cataloging: sets of the day
Request: kimono stand and simple kettle

Thanks again! 💖
Hi! Did you mean the elaborate kimono stand or just "kimono stand'? :)
I believe the kimono stand is only one item (customizable)! I can order it for you if you'd like :)
omgosh ;w; no catalog is fine T.T
maybe others would like to catalog it too.. o.o;? it'll just be beside you? x'DD
In game name: Story
Island: Warren
Interested in: Set of the day and the White Rattan Set if possible.
In game name: Sprinkles
Island: Koki'o
Interested in: Sets of the day

Just when I think I'm not going to request a visit to your island, your sets of the day are exactly what I'm looking for. Thank you so much for all that you do. :)
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