Giveaway Blueming's Blooming Catalog (Closed!)

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One month already? Crazy.

In-Game Name: ~Kilza~
Island Name: Vasisland
Interested in Cataloging: Sets of the Day

I'd also like to suggest the cooler box as a set of the day, thanks!
In-Game Name: Lillian
Island Name: Thornhill
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): sets of the day and posters C:

poostars :> (emptied my pockets this time ;^; )
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Thanks again!

IGN: Zaraki
Island: Sentosa
Here for sets of the day!

Edit: I’d like to request for air circulators, analog kitchen scales and black antique set please!
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May I visit again?

In game name: Pudding
Island Name: Altamira
Interested In: Sets of the day

thank you :)

edit: can I also request the dolly for set of the day?
In-Game Name: Anneli
Island Name: Kyrr
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): sets of the day!

In-Game Name: Simone
Island Name: Nook Isle
Interested in Cataloging: sets of the day please

Can I suggest the billard table and DJ turntable for the next slot?

Thank you so much <3
In-Game Name: yaan
Island Name: Matcha
Interested in Cataloging: Sets of the Day please!
In-Game Name: Phoebe
Island Name: Sfienrow
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): Sets of the day!
Hi ! ^.^
In-Game Name: Chun Mei
Island Name: Midori
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): Sets of the day and posters, if it's okay ^.^
EDIT : poostars

.Thank you very much !
In game name: Vadim
Island name: Alinos
Interested in cataloguing: Sets of the day

I'd like to request the pants press, mugs and effects rack if that's possible!
In game name : Donna
Island name : Ruatha
Interested in cataloging : sets of the day and surfboards
In game name: Legosi
Island name: Cherryton
Interested in cataloging: sets of the day
It’s been a while since I last been here, my belltree username was changed from YURiKA-07 btw and thank you :D
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