If you are still open, I would love to stop by; no worries if not!
In game name: Leming
Island: Cricket
Interested in the following to catalog:
- Current sets: Cordless phone, Cream diner set
- Sets of the day: Candles, LCD TV 20 inch, Mama bear
- Posters
I know this is free BUT... if you have a non-cataloging wishlist of items or things, like Sahara items, Gulliver, NMT, flowers, bells etc. please let me know because I am more than happy to share my items with you if I have anything you want in particular that I have!

Here are things that I have on hand:
Also think I offered to you before... but I have all the Sahara rugs, umbrellas, KK slider songs, and I think I finally have all the Kicks bags if you'd want to catalog those on my island, let me know! Haven't set out the Kicks bags yet, but will probably be my next project after my wedding catalog event (like you, I like to share my catalog with others; no entry fee is required!) I would be so excited to add the missing white candle to my wedding cataloging event!! Thanks so much for doing this.