In-Game Name: Ashtea
Island Name: Genovia
Interested in Cataloging (Current Sets/Sets of the Day/Posters): Sets of the day, Current sets (specifically, plastic pool!)
Today is the last day to catalog the second half of the posters! I will not be bringing these back and I'll be giving them away starting tomorrow I'll be bringing back the first half once I get rid of all/most of the second half so I can have some space
Also, just a reminder to please follow my rules! I am not that strict with my rules but please don't steal anything or mix up my sets
As for Sets of the Day, I am pretty lenient about my slots so if you requested right when slots were filled but didn't make it, please don't edit your post! I will try to get to your request, and if not, you can always request again tomorrow
1. Speed bag
2. Wall mounted TV (20 in)
3. Wall mounted TV (50 in)
4. Foosball table
5. Fortune telling set
6. Upright piano
7. Electric kick scooter
8. Double sofa
9. Digital scale
10. Yellow diner set
11. Pink diner set
12. Pants press