Auction BOB the lazy cat is in boxes!


Fan of everything cute
Oct 26, 2013
Festive Bell
Matryoshka Doll
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Tin Robot
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Christmas Candy
Special Snowflake
Green Christmas Stocking
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
100% (68) +

Just like the title says, Bob is in boxes :D

Rules of this auction:
-Keep all bids here (not in a profile message or PM)
-If you win the auction you must be online to pick up Bob and bring me my payment.
-I will accept bells or any villager in my list together with a fair amount of bells.
-If you offer a villager together with bells that villager MUST be in boxes when you win the auction.
-I don't accept items as payment
-No buyout
-Don't ask me for prices, this is an auction so pleace place your bids.
-Transaction successful? Please give me a positive WIFI rating.

I will give the winner a little extra, 3 orange and 3 blue Roses

My timezone is GMT+1 (the Netherlands) And to give everyone a chance this auction will end at 7:00 PM my time so time enough to place bids.

And the most important rule: BE NICE AND RESPECTFUL TO EACH OTHER

Happy bidding!
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No, no starting price :) So you are the highest bidder now :D
Sorry I'm going to have to cancel my bid because Daisy decided not to move :(

I know that feeling when a villager changes his mind! hahahaha it's ok :)

Ok, chance of plans, this auction wil last 1 hour from now!! so 7 PM my timezone :D