vanilla honey
Bonjour! my name is Honey. I'm new to TBT and I hope I have a good time here!
I really, really like Nintendo. I've had 2 past DS systems after they all suffered my irresponsibility, sadly.
But now thanks to my irresponsibility I have the latest DS system! But my parents made me get this hideous auto box case for it so it won't break. I may not be the most mature person you meet but I just like to have fun!
I'm a real big sucker for Animal Crossing! I have (well, had) all the Animal Crossing games for the DS. I got my Animal Crossing Wild Word from my older siblings, and I currently still have it! I had Animal Crossing New Leaf but I lost it (me and my irresponsibility)... But my birthday is coming up very soon this April and I will be getting it for my birthday (...hopefully) Along with the Wild World, I also have one of the latest Animal Crossing which is the Happy Home Designer, and it's extremely fun!
I don't want to scare you off with my irresponsibility, but I'm working on it! I take important things very seriously, but I came here to have fun!
I really, really like Nintendo. I've had 2 past DS systems after they all suffered my irresponsibility, sadly.
I'm a real big sucker for Animal Crossing! I have (well, had) all the Animal Crossing games for the DS. I got my Animal Crossing Wild Word from my older siblings, and I currently still have it! I had Animal Crossing New Leaf but I lost it (me and my irresponsibility)... But my birthday is coming up very soon this April and I will be getting it for my birthday (...hopefully) Along with the Wild World, I also have one of the latest Animal Crossing which is the Happy Home Designer, and it's extremely fun!
I don't want to scare you off with my irresponsibility, but I'm working on it! I take important things very seriously, but I came here to have fun!
Hoping to be friends with you! Thanks!