Cycling Bon's dream cycling! offline

Aw man! That's frustrating >:c

I was like "No wait Merengue-chaaan!!! I know I have a full town BUT COME ON RESERVE YOURSELF FOR ME!" oh well. I think finding her in your campsite (or any dream villager) would be worse, when you have a full town. This is why Hans/Marshal or Walker have to get their butss moving out of Andromea.
I was like "No wait Merengue-chaaan!!! I know I have a full town BUT COME ON RESERVE YOURSELF FOR ME!" oh well. I think finding her in your campsite (or any dream villager) would be worse, when you have a full town. This is why Hans/Marshal or Walker have to get their butss moving out of Andromea.

Well you know I'm crossing my fingers for Marshal (◡‿◡✿)
Olaf just moved in!

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Whitney is in boxes!
ERmagherd! I'd love her C:

Let me rephrase that....If she's still available, I'd love her.
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No, Curlos still hasn't moved from my main. :c He's still reserved for you tho! <3

WHen d'you reckon you'll be able to get him out? :eek: .. I managed to get Kody out, my final unwanted villager.. So I'm all ready for my final dreamy :D
Whitney moved! ^o^ ~

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WHen d'you reckon you'll be able to get him out? :eek: .. I managed to get Kody out, my final unwanted villager.. So I'm all ready for my final dreamy :D

Well, it depends. I don't TT actively on my main, so it might take a while :c