

Sleepy Bear
Aug 17, 2018
Ancient Candle
Voodoo Doll
Pumpkin Cupcake
I started playing Breath of the Wild not that long ago and.... Is it just me or is it really hard???? Maybe I?m just okd and out of touch but I seem to be having much more trouble with it than I?ve had with all of the other Zelda games. I?m also getting lost because the world is so big. How do you young?uns manage to keep up???
It is hard at the beginning when you only have three hearts and weak clothing/armor, but it gets better later on. If an enemy is too powerful, don't be afraid to run away until you're stronger. It's good to focus on finding shrines early on to build your stats up. It's definitely not your typical Zelda game.
It is hard at the beginning when you only have three hearts and weak clothing/armor, but it gets better later on. If an enemy is too powerful, don't be afraid to run away until you're stronger. It's good to focus on finding shrines early on to build your stats up. It's definitely not your typical Zelda game.

I had finally gotten a fourth heart and I went to a new village and a statue ate it so I’m back down to three! I wanted to cry.
I mean at the beginning of the game they give you clear directions of where to go, just pay attention to the quests in the menu and use your map regularly. You'll probably figure the rest out yourself! The game is very open so you may get distracted every now and then but that's fine, if you feel like you got lost just open the quest menu or check the map :)
I mean at the beginning of the game they give you clear directions of where to go, just pay attention to the quests in the menu and use your map regularly. You'll probably figure the rest out yourself! The game is very open so you may get distracted every now and then but that's fine, if you feel like you got lost just open the quest menu or check the map :)

I'm just not used to a Zelda game being so open and I don't know that I love it? I mean, it's a beautiful game, but I'm used to a very small map. Maybe I just need to play it a little longer. I think I'm also just feeling residual frustration from that shrine with the ball maze. It took me FOREVER to get the ball where it needed to be.
I'm just not used to a Zelda game being so open and I don't know that I love it? I mean, it's a beautiful game, but I'm used to a very small map. Maybe I just need to play it a little longer. I think I'm also just feeling residual frustration from that shrine with the ball maze. It took me FOREVER to get the ball where it needed to be.

Yeah, it's definitely not like the other Zelda games. I don't love all the changes but I've managed to spend more hours into this game than I'd like to admit. Part of the difficulty comes from it being so different from the other games imo. I kept dying over and over until I learned how to properly play the game. Just keep at it and you'll get into the groove soon enough.
I'm just not used to a Zelda game being so open and I don't know that I love it? I mean, it's a beautiful game, but I'm used to a very small map. Maybe I just need to play it a little longer. I think I'm also just feeling residual frustration from that shrine with the ball maze. It took me FOREVER to get the ball where it needed to be.

The game is a bit different from traditional games because at first it's a hard to get around as you don't have good weapons or protection yet. Later in the game the enemies that used to kill you every 10 minutes will not be able to even lay a scratch on you.

So yes play a bit more and don't feel bad for avoiding enemies if necessary because sometimes they're way to tough to face with your current loadout.
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The beginning is really hard but it's so much fun exploring everything at your own pace. A little bit of advice: just try and fight everyone and don't be scared to die. If you keep practicing fighting different enemies, you will find a way to kill them, even with just a few hearts. And do a LOT of shrines, per 4 shrines you can get 1 heart of new stamina. I would advice getting a second circle of stamina (16 shrines) and invest the rest in hearts.