boy troubles

I am also 23....

I was a major dork in high school, and after graduation a lot of things happened and I ended up saying no to a lot of guys that wanted to date me

two of them have come back into my life to try and....'win me over?'....and it's...difficult. like they said no when i asked them out, but now that life has actually happened, suddenly I'm hot stuff? I don't get it and it makes me extremely uncomfortable.

I hear you. It's so annoying! I solved the problem by finding a guy I didn't know growing up, marrying him, and moving far, far away from guys like that.

Not saying you need to find a guy to marry, I just got lucky (to me). But, cutting those people out of your life by moving or even just avoiding them completely, or breaking their hearts (I once ate the flowers one of said guys brought me and spit them back in his face). It really makes me feel good when I cut toxic relationships out of my life in fun ways. Maybe you could try that too if you're up to it.
Ugh, boy problems. Tell me about them.

I'm 23 years old but back then when I was in middle school and high school... a lot of boy drama. Guys I liked liked other girls, girls I am friends with liked guys I liked. I was a dork, not that attractive, and I was different. I loved rock music and hip hop & RNB was big back then.............. so people ridiculed me.

I had my share of boyfriends. 5 year relationship (13 y/o to 18 y/o), second one was 2 years, third one was 1 year and a half, and my current one is almost 8 months. It seems as I got older and my looks matured I became more desirable, or at least pretty and men were interested lol.

Even though I was and am in a relationship I get my fair share of boy problems. Like relationships problems obviously. But I have had guy friends who never respected their boundaries since I have a boyfriend. I've had guys try to come in between me and my previous boyfriends (and current one).

*sigh* It got to the point where I cut off the men who give me too much trouble. At this point, if you're my friend and can't respect that I am in a relationship then bye. If you're some random guy cat calling me on the streets, bye. If you confess to me you like me, then I'll say thank you and sorry.

Men................. -__-
boy issues??? pfft- ignore them and they just give you dirty looks across the room even tho you used to talk to em a lot before and you were really close friends but you're too dumb to start a conversation so now he ignores you too even when you talk to him ;A; (true story now he ignores me in person bc we're both very stubborn people)
I am also 23....

I was a major dork in high school, and after graduation a lot of things happened and I ended up saying no to a lot of guys that wanted to date me

two of them have come back into my life to try and....'win me over?'....and it's...difficult. like they said no when i asked them out, but now that life has actually happened, suddenly I'm hot stuff? I don't get it and it makes me extremely uncomfortable.

I've dealt with similar things. I wasn't necessarily unattractive in school, but I wasn't confident. I hadn't come into myself and who I was. I was a dork, and I caught a lot of flack. I'm 25, and a lot more sure about who and what I am, and my fashion sense is actually good, so a lot of the people from my childhood that gave me a hard time tried to come back into my life. You just have to kind of laugh at them. Specifically in the case of people hitting on you. You're being very vague though, and I don't know the details of your specific situation to try and give you advice, but don't let anyone guilt trip you. You don't owe anyone your romantic interest.
I had "boy troubles" when I was like 15 years old, then I realised one day it's not worth getting upset over and not worth stressing about. Much easier to be that way, rather than to let other people dictate your happiness in life. :)
lmao this is my life. Recently my friend came to this school, and she was asking my other friend on kik "How long has she liked him?" and other personal things like that, my friend screenshotted it and showed me. like wtf? Yeah supposedly she also likes him and things are just crazy .-. It all happened cause of her coming