BREAKING NEWS: Tortimer a Se.xual Predator

Lolly said:
You should just SHUT UP! Maybe I did make an assumption. I'm sorry if that offended anyone. But, you were the one who had to go and say i was making assumtions. But, i'm not the only one. Maybe you should read more than once. Take your own advice. And i'm not taking your crap!
Hey guys, lets bring the argument here!
Lolly said:
You should just SHUT UP! Maybe I did make an assumption. I'm sorry if that offended anyone. But, you were the one who had to go and say i was making assumtions. But, i'm not the only one. Maybe you should read more than once. Take your own advice. And i'm not taking your crap!
You, miss, phail -.-

You started the altercation, yet again. You came here looking for a fight, did you not? You wanted to disrespect someone and so the same happened to you. It's the golden rule. I did read the post more than once and I thought of what YOU thought first but then I actually took the time to read it again because it didn't quite make any type of logical sense in my head.

I do take my own advice. People also choose to follow the advice I give them because I have true friends and we choose to help each other out.

Nobody said you had to. YOU just came looking for a fight and I obliged.
Lolly said:
You should just SHUT UP! Maybe I did make an assumption. I'm sorry if that offended anyone. But, you were the one who had to go and say i was making assumtions. But, i'm not the only one. Maybe you should read more than once. Take your own advice. And i'm not taking your crap!
who's throwing crap?
this is why I dont like adding too much random people. I dot use my wii speak till i know you a little more. And Dam the video wont load for me
fullofmyself said:
Lolly said:
You should just SHUT UP! Maybe I did make an assumption. I'm sorry if that offended anyone. But, you were the one who had to go and say i was making assumtions. But, i'm not the only one. Maybe you should read more than once. Take your own advice. And i'm not taking your crap!
Hey guys, lets bring the argument here!
lmao :p
Lolly. Did you expect to come here and see a bunch of retards?

We know you can't read at the college level. Because really, the college level are medical journals and *censored.2.0*. We know you didn't take the ACT at the age of 12. We aren't *censored.3.0*ing retards.
fullofmyself said:
Lolly. Did you expect to come here and see a bunch of retards?

We know you can't read at the college level. Because really, the college level are medical journals and *censored.2.0*. We know you didn't take the ACT at the age of 12. We aren't *censored.3.0*ing retards.
wut is r coleg lvl buk?
Dragorium15 said:
fullofmyself said:
Lolly. Did you expect to come here and see a bunch of retards?

We know you can't read at the college level. Because really, the college level are medical journals and *censored.2.0*. We know you didn't take the ACT at the age of 12. We aren't *censored.3.0*ing retards.
wut is r coleg lvl buk?
hihskool muikal piktur booc and twi lite is an old people level booc. i woner if lolly has red tat too!
well i dont have to worry about my parents seeing this, im an australian doubt this american hing will get here
ACdude said:
well i dont have to worry about my parents seeing this, im an australian doubt this american hing will get here
You never know the type of creeps who get the hots for a hot sexy girl/guy ;)
ACdude said:
well i dont have to worry about my parents seeing this, im an australian doubt this american hing will get here
Oh don't worry, there are sexual predators in Australia too.

In fact, Australia's where most of them end up.
So, let me get this straight. Some pedo could use Animal Crossing as a way to do what with kids? Get them to come over their house?
Lolly said:
Actually, you can take the ACT Test at the age of 12. It's called the Duke Talent Search.
It's called, completely off-topic. We all know that you can take the ACT at any time. People just don't know that because they know SOME schools/colleges require it prior to becoming a student at that respective school/college.
Mickey said:
Lolly said:
Actually, you can take the ACT Test at the age of 12. It's called the Duke Talent Search.
It's called, completely off-topic. We all know that you can take the ACT at any time. People just don't know that because they know SOME schools/colleges require it prior to becoming a student at that respective school/college.
And not even a third of the U.S. states participate in it.


This proves your arrogance
fullofmyself said:
Mickey said:
Lolly said:
Actually, you can take the ACT Test at the age of 12. It's called the Duke Talent Search.
It's called, completely off-topic. We all know that you can take the ACT at any time. People just don't know that because they know SOME schools/colleges require it prior to becoming a student at that respective school/college.
And not even a third of the U.S. states participate in it.


This proves your arrogance
My stupid school does -.- But not the ACT, another form of it =P Basically, we need to take a test before we graduate for college -.- Dumb, I know, but they want the best for their students.
well....of could be anyone on the other side of the connection....this doesnt mean just animal crossing is bad.....really anything that you communicate to someone could be bad....... we buy things or use stuff that you communicate with unknown people alot........why do they make a report about animal crossing why not the internet.....

i already know their are those kinda people out there........
I already knew THAT!!!!!....tortimer is a sick turtle....he said...ummm...bad stuff to my character!!!!