Brewster needs a partner for The Roost, who should bake the cakes?

Oh the answer is obvious because a certain Rhino villager loves to bake.
Thats an interesting approach, maybe we and villagers could part-time not just in the cafeteria but also behind the scenes in the bakery 🧁 and we could maybe have like a mini interactive game or something similar to like “mama cooking” games ( not sure of the name 😅 )
I could see it being one of the older npcs like Grams, Phineas, or actually Tortimer would be great.

Tortimer is done with being in charge and just wants to bake sweets for all the good boys and girls. And not have to worry about permits and regulations or any of that vibe killing stuff.
I could see it being one of the older npcs like Grams, Phineas, or actually Tortimer would be great.

Tortimer is done with being in charge and just wants to bake sweets for all the good boys and girls. And not have to worry about permits and regulations or any of that vibe killing stuff.

I dont know if i can imagen tortimer baking but i definitely want him back, he was such a lay back, funny, and sweet gramps, i loved visiting him and playing his games
Actually my character and turn baking cakes into a minigame. Also baking competitions against my villagers.