United States Briguy's Trading Thread

I know the thread says US but I just couldn't help but propose the trade anyway. It was too big to pass up! Edit: I'm in Canada.

066 Gruff
077 Cherry
141 Nana
277 Monty

233 Colton
250 Ava
276 Astrid
300 Chrissy

All are NA cards :)
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Considering your list is up to date, we could trade a few:

007 (SP) for 002 (SP)

And your 034, 040, 061 & 070 for my 020, 048, 049 & 051.

A cool 5 for 5, each getting 1 SP & 4 regular villagers that we need. PM me if you're interested!
I'm outta stamps right now, but will pick some up this coming week. Will contact you guys then.
Hello! I don't know if you do 1:2 (common:special) trades, but I have Bonbon (49) and Bella (69). Can I trade them for your Lottie (017)?

From series 2, I need Blanca (114) and can trade my Shrunk (111) for it.

From series 3, I need Bree (269), and I am willing to trade my Friga (238). And if you are willing to do the 2:1, I'd love to trade Daisy (258) and Joey (266) for your Franklin (216).

Please let me know if you can do any of the trades. :)
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163 Ed
170 Ruby

for your:
161 Teddy
252 Merry

PM me :)
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I can trade card 160 for card 127. PM me if you are interested.
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would you like to trade #024 Kyle & #151 Groucho for #109 Porter? feel free to check out my list here and see if there's any more you'd like to trade for!
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Hi! If you still have 045 Octavian, 136 Egbert, and 287 Claudia, would you like to trade for 223 del, 261 tucker, & 346 peewee? Thanks!