bringing back TBT for what it was meant for!

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't...My copy of Animal Crossing is either collecting dust on a shelf or already at some kid's house. Those three months of talking to animals were fun though.
thanks guys for all the support/interest. i'm writing the names down and keeping track of everyone interested. anyone who wants to join can whenever, just want to put that out there still.

as far as ideas, yeah. post them here so i can see the reactions people have to them and we'll go from there.

love the posts with people joining, but let's try to move the general idea of this thread now to ideas we could do that people are going to love doing together, or PM me. <3
Pally said:
Hey there Nedrian. Welcome back!

I'll possibly be able to help you out with restarting:)

Just gotta know when.
hey sorry, i totally missed your post the first time reading through replies...

mainly this thread is just for a group i'm going to be starting that's going to aim to keep the focus on having fun in animal crossing, instead of just keeping up with TBT, hanging out with friends sometimes with no real goal or objective... and then losing interest in the game within a couple of weeks.

my goal with this "group" is to have planned events/minigames/contests with prizes to keep the interest going and for us to always have objectives to be working towards, while having a closeknit group of friends that are there to hang out whenever.

we'll be doing this multiple times per week, and it's going to just work as if you want to come to whatever we're doing, you can. so not knowing when we're starting (sunday) isn't really an issue. <3

i may have really gone way off with this, and you may just have meant you're there to help me since i'm restarting... lol. if that's the case sorry for the long post, just wanted to get this out there anyway. <3
Nedrian said:
Pally said:
Hey there Nedrian. Welcome back!

I'll possibly be able to help you out with restarting:)

Just gotta know when.
hey sorry, i totally missed your post the first time reading through replies...

mainly this thread is just for a group i'm going to be starting that's going to aim to keep the focus on having fun in animal crossing, instead of just keeping up with TBT, hanging out with friends sometimes with no real goal or objective... and then losing interest in the game within a couple of weeks.

my goal with this "group" is to have planned events/minigames/contests with prizes to keep the interest going and for us to always have objectives to be working towards, while having a closeknit group of friends that are there to hang out whenever.

we'll be doing this multiple times per week, and it's going to just work as if you want to come to whatever we're doing, you can. so not knowing when we're starting (sunday) isn't really an issue. <3

i may have really gone way off with this, and you may just have meant you're there to help me since i'm restarting... lol. if that's the case sorry for the long post, just wanted to get this out there anyway. <3
Oh haha. No it's fine.

The group sounds pretty cool. I'll be sure to check it out. :veryhappy:
Have you all ever done the wresting thing with the pitfalls? That's pretty fun.
I've just finished working for Nook, and I'll be making a town profile soon. Any bell donations or path designs (like grass designs) would be appreciated ; )
Welcome back, Nedrian. :)
I would help, but Iost my disc. xD
people that i have written down they want to join, because i'm 100% sure they want to (and haven't just made comments that they're still playing and stuff, because i'm not sure that's meaning they want to be a part of this...) -

1. Nedrian
2. Tyler (won't be posting on this site, but he will be involved)
3. Hirosho
4. MrCrazyDavis
5. Marcus (offering his town for games)
6. TravisTouchdown (offering all DLC as prizes)
7. Fire_Fist
8. Nevermore
9. ashwee
11. AnimalCrossingGurrl
12. sakura
13. Kandis

if i've left someone out that wanted to be added, let me know. this will also be posted and updated on the main post.
Just to make sure you know, my town isn't 100% ready to host games yet, but when it is I will. I will also need contributions/help duping Pitfalls and contributions of prizes as well, because I am not very rich xD
Marcus said:
Just to make sure you know, my town isn't 100% ready to host games yet, but when it is I will. I will also need contributions/help duping Pitfalls and contributions of prizes as well, because I am not very rich xD
yeah, i'll help you keep that stuff up and running so don't worry about that. i'l also donate all the pitfalls i find to you, and everyone that's interested in doing this with us should also hang onto them for future games... pitfalls aren't really something you can obtain when you just want them, lol.
There really needs to be an "ignore" option... cough cough ( jake ) .

On that note.... don't let anyone ruin your fun. It sounds like fun and heck.... if Jason is in.... I'll be game. :)

Quick question though.... will games be hosted on other days other than weekends? Just curious as weekends are a bit busy for me.
i can probably provide pitfalls and stuff if needed, i usually have a few on me and can dupe if needed :p
i also have games set up in my town :3
LadyRohan said:
There really needs to be an "ignore" option... cough cough ( jake ) .

On that note.... don't let anyone ruin your fun. It sounds like fun and heck.... if Jason is in.... I'll be game. :)

Quick question though.... will games be hosted on other days other than weekends? Just curious as weekends are a bit busy for me.
There is one.
Add me to the list? 8D I'll be erasing my game today. And I figure, Im not gonna take anything with me. Just a clean, simple game. :3
LadyRohan said:
There really needs to be an "ignore" option... cough cough ( jake ) .

On that note.... don't let anyone ruin your fun. It sounds like fun and heck.... if Jason is in.... I'll be game. :)

Quick question though.... will games be hosted on other days other than weekends? Just curious as weekends are a bit busy for me.
yeah, we'll be having events all throughout the week and on weekends because i understand not everyone can play during the week, and just as well, not everyone can play during the weekends.

ashwee, if you're up to it, with how many people are interested, we may be using your town for some events also if that's ok for you. if people are generous enough to set up their town for other people to play in, then by all means i'm going to give you that opportunity, lol.