♡ Bunbun's Art Shop ♡

Probably abit much, But you would try drawing a Pokemon? .o.;

Since they're animals and all, lemme know if that's a problem :c
When you mean Animals, I assume something furry?
If that's the case, I'd like to see if you could do Greninja, He's such a wonderful looking Pokemon, along with being a Frog o3o;

Besides, I should atleast fill a form out .o.
When you mean Animals, I assume something furry?
If that's the case, I'd like to see if you could do Greninja, He's such a wonderful looking Pokemon, along with being a Frog o3o;

Besides, I should atleast fill a form out .o.

uhmm well tbh i dont think you can but.. idk man ill try. i dont know how well i could do it but ill try.
Naw believe me, I'd ask for my Mayor to be done.
But my Mayor still needs a QR code outfit done so I can work on finalizing his new look.

I'll come back when that's all done x3
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♡Name: ♡ Igi
♡Town Name: ♡ Solaceon
♡FC: ♡ <---
♡Default, Villager, Icon: Icon
♡Bust, Waist, Full Body(if default chosen): -----
♡Pose (for default and villager): y/n, if yes, what pose? please be specific!
♡Painted, Cell Shade, Flat: Flat
♡Mayor/Side character Ref(s):

♡BG(y/n, complicated or simple, and what is it of if complicated): Simple fitting shade of gray, such as #3C3C3C
♡For Icons: My mayor has a tabby hoodie on, any chance you could make the hoodie look like it, with the face and all, no stitching. uwu

Added the Qr code of the hoodie into the ref c: <3
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ah ok !! i can do that :) itd just be 1.25m for start. i've added you, let me know if you want to come to my town for the first payment now or later.
its a little higher then normal because of the complexity of the hoodie, sorry! it'll take longer then the normal hoodie icons.
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♡Name: ♡ Eiryii
♡Town Name: ♡ Noirus
♡FC: ♡ 0447-6245-2679
♡Default, Villager, Icon: Default
♡Bust, Waist, Full Body(if default chosen): Full Body
♡Pose (for default and villager): Yes, could you pose her similar to the one in your signature? The one that's leaning back, but instead of the golden shovel, be holding a white daisy? Thank you!
♡Painted, Cell Shade, Flat: Cell Shade
♡Mayor/Side character Ref(s):
♡BG(y/n, complicated or simple, and what is it of if complicated): None, transparent if possible~
♡For Icons: BG color ref, animal type if hoodie chosen

How much? :3