glad to see you've found your passion in pixel art
ALSO POKEMON!!!!!!!! always good
subscribin to this thread
the most sugoi soda oh my god
so many lovely pixels!! v.v what program do you use to make gifs?
You know what you should do?
I never saw it coming
I would make more pokemon, but I don't get enough time like I used to ;-;
I bet!
Awwww... I feel the struggle. School is in the way of everything atm :/
sAmmme this teacher gives me like 3 hours of hw everyday, I die mah duDe
lmao WHAT? how do you survive with that much homework ??? i get like, 1 piece a week max
Aaaa, I get homework for every session!!!!!
I like how its only her though lmao
Like none of the teachers give as much work as her
one of these days, we're gonna riot outside her classroom holding signs xD
this represents how I'm drowning slowly and I can't float to the surface