Burnt Toast - Requests avaliable[criticism acccepted]

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aw, don't lose faith! if you feel you need to close it, then do it, but don't give up on your art, its really cuuute!

I'm going to continue drawing but I probably won't make any of them public anymore xc it seems like the "big name" artists out here get most of the requests anyway

ty!! it's nothing compared to yours though. How long have you been drawing?
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I would make a new thread but only put in the most recent drawings bc those look the best. some ppl might have just seen the old ones and didn't check again and see that your style changed
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I would make a new thread but only put in the most recent drawings bc those look the best. some ppl might have just seen the old ones and didn't check again and see that your style changed
Aye aye captain!
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