Vanessa from Firework
Senior Member
Could I buy all of the white and pink azalea starts for 5,125,000 IGB? (Please PM/VM me)
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I was meant to be saving for villagers but I just need the Pave set! Are you available to trade now?
I was meant to be saving for villagers but I just need the Pave set! Are you available to trade now?
Okay! So the trade happens in my town right? I'll open the gates and add your fc nowShould we send the tbt now?
Okay! So the trade happens in my town right? I'll open the gates and add your fc nowShould we send the tbt now?
Can I buy the princess set? For tbt.
Can I buy the princess set? For tbt.
Can I buy the princess set? For tbt.
Okay just let me add. Will you be delivering?
Hey sparkle could I get 10 cedar saplings?
I'd like to buy out any remaining Cedar Saplings you have. Please let me know your quantity. Adding FC now