Selling BUY MY VILLAGERS PLEASE (Moving out: Diana)

Taking more offers :3
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I'll add some funds for Razzy if anyone tries to bid higher for Francine :c
I'll notify everyone when a selected villager decides to move c: Any other offerings?
Sorry. I changed my mind lol. I'm guna try the campsite reset trick.
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Any other late night offers? ^ _ ^
I thought I should let you know that I have a full village right now. I'm trying to move out someone I don't want, so I may or may not be ready when Diana is in boxes. Unless of course someone outbids me. o;
I thought I should let you know that I have a full village right now. I'm trying to move out someone I don't want, so I may or may not be ready when Diana is in boxes. Unless of course someone outbids me. o;

It's okay :3 When Diana decides to move I can hold her for you until you're ready ^ . ^