Buyer Hijacking


everything must go~
Jun 20, 2013
Red Candy
Orange Candy
Yellow Candy
Green Candy
Blue Candy
This has been getting on my nerves a little, I'm not sure if it happens to other people here but when selling villagers and I get an offer but i'll be offline or working on cycling them into boxes. I'll have other people lurking my selling threads and pm the buyer and offer the same villager. I can't be available 24/7 to trade so it's quite irritating after bumping my thread for days and finally getting an offer but to have that buyer hijacked by someone else.

I'm starting to keep my threads closed now and asking people to only pm me their offers.
Is this the only way to prevent this besides being online 24/7 like a zombie?

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This sounds unfair. Mabye in your thread you could write to avoid buyer hijacking pm me your offer

yeah, i'm just keeping my threads closed from now on so buyer hijackers can't "lurk"
I mean, seriously just bump your own threads instead of lurking on other peoples.
Lock your thread. Unlock to bump. Lock again. I can't think of anything else to prevent it.
This really does suck. Is there no way to prevent it at all? I'm struggling to think of a way.
Yeah. Report it and maybe also ask in your threads that people don't do it? Might make them think twice.

This pretty much. Set your rules in your first post, and if you see someone breaking them (within reason) report it. If you feel like someone else is stealing your sales via pm, you may want to continue with pm only selling. We can't really monitor that, and it sucks you have to go through people grabbing your sales, but if we can't trace it, then there's nothing we can do. It's honestly just crap etiquette from other people.