Buying items online-

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Senior Member
Jan 4, 2021
So back in December I asked my mom if she would let me get bells off of eBay, and she said yes, because it was for Christmas, and so basically you just pay like 4 dollars, and someone comes to your island and drops, 1,400 nmt and 12 million bells in gold nuggets. It honestly seemed kind of suspicious because there is NO way you can make that many Nook miles tickets unless you are a robot and play all day, so I decided to go to the Users you have played with thing on switch, and the "hacker" was a real person, because they had like 200 hours on splatoon 2, and a bunch of other games. also on eBay, it said like 20 sold per hour. And I thought maybe the delivery person works for the hacker...? and they were not the one who made all the money? But anyways, I was working on my villagers yards, when I realized my island could use some more scenery, so I typed up on not eBay, but this time, Ali express, because I thought maybe they would have some cooler stuff, and I found something for only $4.99 called "removable dream island" where basically they put out a BUNCH of items, like stacks of all the zodiac fragments, and all the seasonal diys, and pretty much every cool item in ACNH, plus all the Gulliver stuff. But the thing is, you can go to their island for ONE HOUR, and fill your pockets, and come back, but I thought this was all very suspicious, because how do they get all that stuff back after one hour for the next seller. They are probably a hacker, but what do they hack it from? I know that sounds kind of dumb, but I mean how can you hack a switch? they could just use coding or something, but im just really confused, because there are no coding applications to get on your switch like terminal. Anyways, if this doesnt get deleted, my mom says if I do some chores she will give me 10 dollars and im buying this to see if its legit, and ill tell yall if its a scam
Couldn't tell you what methods people use for hacking in this game, or basically any game, but just want to swing in and say if you're active in the community you can use this forum's Bells currency and just use that to buy items and in-game bells here on the forums. It's probably best to not only save the actual money but also not deal with this issue at all.


You earn Bells, commonly called TBT, by posting here on the forums. People have shops on here where you can buy items with those TBT bells, and you can get millions of in-game bells (IGB) really easily just by actively posting by spending TBT as well.
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I don't think we are allowed to discuss hacking methods here in the forum, and I don't know any anyway. But I hate to tell you that yes, these islands are a product of hacking. I have seen countless of the pay to enter and get all you want islands on instagram. TBT (the forum currency) is really valued so if you keep posting a lot you should get this items pretty quickly, especially in game bells, and don't give any hackers profit
I read somewhere once that said if you trade with people and play the game in a way where you're selling goods or constantly trading that chances are you've come into contact with a hacked item before. We've always kind of known there are hacked bells/NMTs out there, that's what has devalued them on the forum so much. When the game first came out NMT were the prevailing currency but it quickly switched to TBT. For me, it's too easy to make bells on your own to buy them anymore. Unless you're starting a new island, I wouldn't go there. Plus you can get them for TBT out here on the forum which doesn't cost any IRL cash. Basically for the value of a single post or two, most often times you can find a great shop here willing to sell you some IGB or some NMTs in the Nook's Cranny subforum. I'd say at this point buying them off Ebay, scam or no, is just not worth it in terms of value!
One does not need a terminal to hack. Just a back door/vulnerability. Those sellers on eBay are indeed hackers.
I'm going to close this discussion here because, based on the way you have phrased your opening post, it is very likely to veer into territory of hacking methods and that is not something we promote here on TBT.

As @Halloqueen mentioned, we have plenty of users here on TBT who trade and sell in-game content for our virtual currency, called Bells, which is acquired simply through participating in discussion. I would absolutely recommend trading/buying in-game content this way rather than paying real money to hackers. An additional pro is you'll likely make some good friends on here in the process too. :)
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