Senior Member
So back in December I asked my mom if she would let me get bells off of eBay, and she said yes, because it was for Christmas, and so basically you just pay like 4 dollars, and someone comes to your island and drops, 1,400 nmt and 12 million bells in gold nuggets. It honestly seemed kind of suspicious because there is NO way you can make that many Nook miles tickets unless you are a robot and play all day, so I decided to go to the Users you have played with thing on switch, and the "hacker" was a real person, because they had like 200 hours on splatoon 2, and a bunch of other games. also on eBay, it said like 20 sold per hour. And I thought maybe the delivery person works for the hacker...? and they were not the one who made all the money? But anyways, I was working on my villagers yards, when I realized my island could use some more scenery, so I typed up on not eBay, but this time, Ali express, because I thought maybe they would have some cooler stuff, and I found something for only $4.99 called "removable dream island" where basically they put out a BUNCH of items, like stacks of all the zodiac fragments, and all the seasonal diys, and pretty much every cool item in ACNH, plus all the Gulliver stuff. But the thing is, you can go to their island for ONE HOUR, and fill your pockets, and come back, but I thought this was all very suspicious, because how do they get all that stuff back after one hour for the next seller. They are probably a hacker, but what do they hack it from? I know that sounds kind of dumb, but I mean how can you hack a switch? they could just use coding or something, but im just really confused, because there are no coding applications to get on your switch like terminal. Anyways, if this doesnt get deleted, my mom says if I do some chores she will give me 10 dollars and im buying this to see if its legit, and ill tell yall if its a scam