
I'll give it a try. I can only eat this much because of all that running i did today...a 2 whole quarters of a minute

BASTOISE99 said:
I'll give it a try. I can only eat this much because of all that running i did today...a 2 whole quarters of a minute

*makes Piranha a la mode*

sorry it took so long... its hard to catch piranha's withyour bare hands


be careful its sharp

ok bambam you can be the head waiter, but first you have to eat this 6 pound carp


*give bambam carp*

eat up big boy :eh:
The Buffalo Deathwings are also good. If you don't like spicy food, stay away!

*hands Bastoise a large glass full of weird smelling liquid*

if you're wondering what it is... well... some things are best left unsaid



anyway... its either that or water as of now

BASTOISE99 said:
I'll give it a try. I can only eat this much because of all that running i did today...a 2 whole quarters of a minute


You must be exhausted!
You wouldn't beleive what I did today...I ran a whole minute on the treadmill, at difficulty won't believe this...2!
BASTOISE99 said:
You wouldn't beleive what I did today...I ran a whole minute on the treadmill, at difficulty won't believe this...2!
are you kidding me! you could have a heart attack, here have some Whale Blubber, you're skin and bones

oh thankyou! I got on the scale today and I lost some weight. I orginally weighed 783.99999993 Lbs. Now I won't believe this...783.99999992 Lbs!


Here throw this in there.

*gives BAM a Humuhumunukunukuapua'a*