
uhhh :rolleyes: :r maybe

*picks up fish* hmm be this doesnt seem right..

*takes fish to river* *throws in water *yells* cant you see i dont like you go go just leave me alone *runs away*
i don't want mopsi want money!
*goes to google*
google has everything :yes: it probaly even can find tutorials on how to make viruses >_>
*drives fishtank around*

Marr! Marr i say!!!


yeah, i won the tank attack thing...

*feels important*
hmm we cant let this fish go raw

*makes aquirium* *dumps fish in there* *jumps in there seeing that i am a merman*
Hmm, I leave for a minute and I see this. *dodges flying fish* Cafe fis his fun!!!
*starts handing out a fish to random people*

Thanks for shopping!

*nibbles on a pencil*