3-5 hours is fine right?
Not at all :c
Hate the mile, always getting muscle pain the day later, and 2x slower when walking up the stairs...
3-5 hours is fine right?
Hate the mile, always getting muscle pain the day later, and 2x slower when walking up the stairs...
Hate the mile, always getting muscle pain the day later, and 2x slower when walking up the stairs...
3-5 hours is fine right?
Holy no, omg. Its supposed to be 10hours D:<
3-5 hours is fine right?
nnooooo :c
- - - Post Merge - - -
Says who ;P
- - - Post Merge - - -
Says who ;P
omg TRY TO SLEEP 8 HOURS at least D:
Says me and every teach i have
Ugh I hated running in gym class, I always did the worst out of the whole class.