I have18569 treasure
>.> donate 18k to meh
I have18569 treasure
Oh man. I had 4 treasure at one point LOL
I only have 19056 right now, most I have had in 4 days
I only have 19056 right now, most I have had in 4 days
I have 580k atm though. I need to sell some gen 1 dergs
good evening everyone!! im so glad i don't have school all next week c':
good evening everyone!! im so glad i don't have school all next week c':
Omg how did you get that much damn xD
haxhard work c:
good evening everyone!! im so glad i don't have school all next week c':
Haha with blood, sweat, and tears. And patience xD
donate some to me~
Lol. need more treasure. WHat clan? I'm in wind
- - - Post Merge - - -
I actually wanted to be in wind, like that's what clan I want to be in and I chose shadow pff