not ur aesthetic
Most of mine are hidden lol xD
reveal urself
Most of mine are hidden lol xD
lies !!!
I passed 1k posts omg it's all because of cakes
no really haha xD
i joined a few days before you and i have a lot posts than you !
is this illuminati shiz
guys how can i start playing new leaf again
false, I like your lineups
maybe it is, maybe it isn't..... I was pretty inactive for awhile, I only recently started using this for anything besides trading lol
- - - Post Merge - - -
guys how can I stop...
have u decorated for thanksgiving/fall??
I post merged :c keep up guys
no i restarted my town but i want to play again
but how if i don't have a townstart landscaping c: when I feel stuck I like to visit people's dream addresses
but how if i don't have a town