So, while we're on the topic of World peace, cake, and sleep...what's everyone's favourite villager xD
entry #53
mine is fauna and o'hare ;v;
So, while we're on the topic of World peace, cake, and sleep...what's everyone's favourite villager xD
oh man awesome
my parents dont let me sleep past 11 xD
ikr, war takes so many precious lives. like can we all chill to prevent death and destruction. no understand ;( If people fight and make war it's just going to on
And on
And on...
And on......
So, while we're on the topic of World peace, cake, and sleep...what's everyone's favourite villager?xD
So, while we're on the topic of World peace, cake, and sleep...what's everyone's favourite villager?xD
recently it's been diana because she's cute & I realized her Japanese name translates to mine no understand ;( If people fight and make war it's just going to on
And on
And on...
And on......
Goldie or Diana
Goldie or Diana
T-TIkr, I don't think it'll end any time soon, there's always so much conflict and disagreeing. ;v;
my other fave is like every single normal villager
They're all so cuteee
I have to go - goodnight all T-T
hello!! This is a cool font