not ur aesthetic
i stayed home to win this giveaway
nah jks, Im home sick
you have school on sunday??
i stayed home to win this giveaway
nah jks, Im home sick
I gain weight when i'm happy and lose weight when i'm stressed.
maybe i'm part tropical fish?
I wish I could ;-; Now I have no hopes of getting one ;-; And respond to me on line
you have school on sunday??
I gain weight when i'm happy and lose weight when i'm stressed.
maybe i'm part tropical fish?
oops srry
just replied
- - - Post Merge - - -
timezones my friend ;P
Its Monday in Australia
oh, yeah, that.. lol it must suck to have your seasons totally backwards ;p
I don't have any monday classes.
Because Thanksgiving.
the only day I get off is Thursday :c
do australians rly call cotton candy fairy floss
'cause that's so cute
Wow, lame! I basically get the whole week off.
i go to school 5 days a week eh, why cant it be 4
omg I love it