Giveaway cake? no it's a chocolate cake

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lol I haven't listened to her but I keep hearing about her

that album is classic, ah. golden <3

she's quite good, tons of different topics in her songs and she's a good singer too which is a plus
golden reminds me of my cousin, it was her favorite song on the album. wbu? is golden your fave? mine's either the takes over the breaks over or fame < infamy idk
i removed my final remaining tasty cake from my display-- by doing so, i've created a cake vacuum in my collectible line-up, causing an increased gravitational pull upon the giveaway chocolate cakes, drawing the winning number into my posts...
i removed my final remaining tasty cake from my display-- by doing so, i've created a cake vacuum in my collectible line-up, causing an increased gravitational pull upon the giveaway chocolate cakes, drawing the winning number into my posts...

not this time, shakespeare
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she's quite good, tons of different topics in her songs and she's a good singer too which is a plus
golden reminds me of my cousin, it was her favorite song on the album. wbu? is golden your fave? mine's either the takes over the breaks over or fame < infamy idk

I'll have to check her out!! what should I listen to? I love anything acoustic sounding or that involves a piano lol, but I like upbeat stuff too

I'm bad at picking faves but golden, I'm like a lawyer with the way I'm always trying to get you off (god, their song names lmao) & hum hallelujah are some of them!

it's funny 'cause when I first listened to this album it completely went over my head that fob is a christian band. not that I care but, I was like omg how did I miss that lol
how did you guys miss this:?

I'll have to check her out!! what should I listen to? I love anything acoustic sounding or that involves a piano lol, but I like upbeat stuff too

I'm bad at picking faves but golden, I'm like a lawyer with the way I'm always trying to get you off (god, their song names lmao) & hum hallelujah are some of them!

it's funny 'cause when I first listened to this album it completely went over my head that fob is a christian band. not that I care but, I was like omg how did I miss that lol

OHMYGODi did not know that
i really like tag, you're it and sippy cup. listen to dollhouse though, it's one of her post popular. so is pity party, so here you have 4 songs to listen to <3
OHMYGODi did not know that
i really like tag, you're it and sippy cup. listen to dollhouse though, it's one of her post popular. so is pity party, so here you have 4 songs to listen to <3

LOL welp at least that's what I was told by someone that was obsessed with them

haha those are cute titles. yay thank youuu! I'ma check those out when it's not 3am and I am more awake c: <3
LOL welp at least that's what I was told by someone that was obsessed with them

haha those are cute titles. yay thank youuu! I'ma check those out when it's not 3am and I am more awake c: <3

lmao. don't stay up too late!
gotta go have dinner noe, bye!
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