Giveaway cake? no it's a chocolate cake

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wow that really sucks! because of location or cause of traffic? if it's the latter that's twice as awful :c I lived 45 mins away from school before & it was enjoyable because I like driving, but I was miserable when there was traffic

i live in a city with long commutes
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I wish that people with the collectibles I want would become active again lol

hahaha just watch once you get all the collectibles you want, there will be an influx of members selling them again. It's alwaysss like that!
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hahaha just watch once you get all the collectibles you want, there will be an influx of members selling them again. It's alwaysss like that!

and then you get so freakin mad because you were impatient and took the quickest offer, and then someone sells for way less that you bought it for

internet logic

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