~Callie's Gallery of Signatures~

Just made this one of sandy

Just did this one of buttercup. Definitely isn't my best (that's the case with both). I feel like something's missing, but I don't know what.

I think my Bubbles one turned out better than Buttercup. Going for Blossom next.

And to conclude my powerpuff girl signatures, Blossom. I think my Bubbles turned out best.
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They kind of remind me of my first couple of signatures. Just keep working on it! :)
You're getting better. I still remember the other signatures you used to have. :)

Oh, and I just did this Doodle Jump one. Thoughts people? This one was harder to make than I thought'd it be...
I played around with the doodle jump sig a bit, and here are the results. I think the last one turned out the best. It's the one I'll put in my gallery spoiler I think.


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Looking good. One thing I would suggest is for some of them is adding a glossy effect and to give it a bit more depth. They all seem rather flat at the moment. Adding shadows helps, too.

Just made a mockingjay sig. I tried adding a drop shadow to give it some depth, but I dunno. Something feels off. Thoughts?

Oh, and Bacon Boy, when you say glossy effect, what exactly do you mean/how can I achieve that?
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The colors seem a little off. You're also working with a reflective object that doesn't mesh with the reflective background. You've got colors all over the place that are in no way related to each other, and it just looks.. messy.
The colors seem a little off. You're also working with a reflective object that doesn't mesh with the reflective background. You've got colors all over the place that are in no way related to each other, and it just looks.. messy.

Maybe I'll try it with another background later. I was thinking this since it seemed forest-like and the hunger games is very forest-like/survivor-esque, but I see what you mean. I'll try messing with it later, for now I must sleep. Thanks for the feed back, really appreciate it.