Campsite has more frequient visitors

. Rarity .

A Beautiful Heart
Oct 14, 2020
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Toy Hammer
Blue Train Engine
I was playing yesterday and a visitor was at the camp site... But then four in game days later another showed up. Then another four there was another...?

I recently got a five star island, is this what happens when your island is at the top? Im just confused because I used to not get many visitors now its so much more frequent and Im not sure why...

Did anyone else ever get a spike in visitors? Its just really weird for me. Because I thought it was every 15 days or something
It depends on when you previously had a campsite visitor, not rating.

1-2 days since last camper = 0% chance
3 days = 5%
4 days = 10%
5 days = 15%
6+ days = 20%

So consider yourself really lucky if you get campers that frequently.
Hmm yeah I think it might just be coincidence. I've not had a spike in visitors and usually get 1-2 every two weeks, spaced out randomly.
you’re just having some really good tng!! i feel like i haven’t had a camper in forever lmao but I haven’t been playing much so maybe that’s why
Purely random, and just very lucky! I've had a streak similar to this before, and then I'll go two weeks without getting another. What's really funny, and again this is by chance, but it seems like my island tries to get me 3 campsite visitors a month. I've had a streak where I've gotten them all in the first half of the month, and then I didn't get any for the rest of the month. Which is kind of funny. It's like Isabelle is making calls, getting campsite visitors and then goes "okay my work is done for the month."
A lot of luck, by the sounds of it! I still rarely have campers at all. It's been a while since I last saw someone in there.
For a while I swear I was getting a visitor to my campsite like once every 2 week but recently I have noticed I am getting quiet a few now.
I think it’s random and your having really good luck. For awhile I was getting a campsite villager once a week. Then it was about once a month so I started using my Amiibo cards more often.
Yeah, I had a spike in campsite villagers recently, but I'm at like 3 stars, probably less lol.. so yeah.. it's definitely luck..
Yeah I had a visitor at the campsite on my 2nd island (2nd switch before anyone gets confused) and it was Jacques. I had him already so I didn't bother with him.
I seem to be having less campsite visitors. I am sure I had more on my main and on the island I had before I restarted my second island. I had two campsite villagers last month Ricky and Cashmere and none so far this month. Maybe today since I haven’t checked yet. I believe the last campsite visitor I had was on Feb 18th .