please don't message me about my collectibles

You're welcome! Im glad you like it! Tried to recolor the eyes, but it turned purple lolOMG I love it!Thanks so much! ^_^
Please keep in mind that when I make you a piece, I would like credit for the piece. I have seen certain people who have ordered from me not have credit to me for creating their signature. If this continues, I will add a watermark, unless I know for a fact you will credit me, which I would prefer not to do. Thank you, and I would appreciate credit for my work. ALSO, IF I USE ARTWORK WITH PERMISSION, PLEASE NOT ONLY CREDIT ME, BUT CREDIT THAT ARTIST AS THEIR ART IS ON DISPLAY.
Hello! So I would prefer to work with another render, preferably a more high quality one, but if You cant find another you like, thats fine. Just let me know, and I can do it! Everything else is good though.Hi Cam!
I liked the free signature you made for me so much I'm back for a paid one B]
Avatar/Signature: Signature please aw yis
Render: Will this work?
Stock: (I still don't know what this means but I'm guessing background of the sig?) This would be awesome, except could you take out the sound icon and the words maybe? ;u;
Size: Max, please
Text: "maybe i never wanted to be a knight of time" (But without the quotes, and the lowercase 'i' is intentional, all the text should be in lowercase letters please~)
Theme: Gears/clockwork, fire, pretty much anything along those lines works xD
Other: You're free to mess with the color or shading/lighting of the render or throw in effects or pretty much do anything you want; it'll all look awesome anyway hahah
I sent the fee already~
Hello! So I would prefer to work with another render, preferably a more high quality one, but if You cant find another you like, thats fine. Just let me know, and I can do it! Everything else is good though.
I tried to find a higher quality copy of the picture but I couldn't, I'm sorry :c
Would it be impossible to use that one?
No, its not impossible, just harder. Since you cant find a different image you like, I will accept with this. Idk when it will be done though. Im super busy till Sunday
Even though you dont meet my post limit, since I told you you could order through pm, accepted. Send over payment and I will get started with yours right after PunctuallyabsentRender:http://orig08.deviantart.net/702c/f/2012/257/9/3/render_miku_matryoshka_by_miku_panda-d5epgae.png
Text:Trust nobody
I need a size. Do you want it regular avatar size or the size of mine (if youve bought the extension). If the regular size, I need a different render. Far too many people to squeeze into a 100x100 avatar.Avatar/Signature: Avatar
Render: http://img04.deviantart.net/ae1f/i/2015/074/3/6/gorillaz_2_render_by_seetsudark-d8lt2yn.png
Stock: any
Text: n/a
http://www.renders-graphics.com/image/upload/normal/Gorillaz_Noodle.pngI need a size. Do you want it regular avatar size or the size of mine (if youve bought the extension). If the regular size, I need a different render. Far too many people to squeeze into a 100x100 avatar.
Awesome, accepted! Send over payment whenever!http://www.renders-graphics.com/image/upload/normal/Gorillaz_Noodle.png
Regular avatar size is fine c: