Kanto said:
Hey , just started out on tbt , and want a decent sig , i want Dragon Tamer in the middle with feraligatr noctowl ampharos on the left arcanine donphan and ursaring on the right , oh and the background japanese graphics and dark with a moon , thanks , Kanto
Nobody's going to be able to do that/want to.
1. You provided no renders.
2. All of those renders together in a 150x350 pixel box would look horrid.
3. You didn't provide much information as to what you want. I'll revise it myself.
Hello! I just recently joined TBT, and I was wondering if anyone here could possibly make me a signature. If so, here is what I want.
I want a Dragon Tamer character to be in the middle.
I also want Feraligatr, Noctowl, and Ampharos to be in the middle.
On the left, I would like Arcanine and Donphan.
Over on the right, I want Ursaring.
For a background, I would like some Japanese characters, and a moon.
Thanks, Kanto

I would give it a shot, but with all of those renders, it would be tricky for me. Sorry if I couldn't help.