Can I use someone else's T&T emporium, TIY or garden shop?


Senior Member
May 8, 2020
100% (28) +
I rlly need an axe and i can't get it in my town. my FC is below so if you would be so kind as to let me visit your town, leave your code below! I’m looking for as many as I can get so if someone has already offered but you have an axe as well, reply too pls <3
I can pay a bell fee as long as it isn't an insane amount
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my gardening shop isn’t selling an axe atm but i’ll let you know when it is if you still need one! :)
my gardening shop isn’t selling an axe atm but i’ll let you know when it is if you still need one! :)
omg yess, thank you so much! make sure to tell me whenever that is : ). What's your friend code so that I can add you? mine is 5455-9659-0218
yeah, i saw it after I posted the reply shdjdjd. Mine is also in my signature. I’ve already added you!