can someone explain the point of the custom design permit for path building?

this was very confusing to me too. i was thinking why the hell it exists if it doesn't act like the normal in-game paths. i'm still mildly confused about the layering thing but /shrug i'll fiddle around with it myself
okay right so that's what i was saying before. i already knew you could do that but you can't actually layer things over grass, it's still gonna look like dirt or whatever underneath if you've got any transparency in the middle of the image. if you look at my heart planks behind my character, if i used the custom design tool for that it would look like dirt underneath the hearts instead of grass, so it's not actually using MY path design.

i think it should have been more clear in the game that what i was actually buying was the ability to layer designs OVER paths instead of actually using my designs as paths themselves.
I have the same issue with the windows of grass in the custom design :/ It would be great if they actually had a grass path "tile". I ended up just not using the path designer for my main road because I liked the grass peeking through the middle of my design.
this was very confusing to me too. i was thinking why the hell it exists if it doesn't act like the normal in-game paths. i'm still mildly confused about the layering thing but /shrug i'll fiddle around with it myself

Lay out a path from the default ones they give you, like the dirt one, then lay your custom path tile over it, and it will hide the edges! : ) Unfortunately isn't helpful to OP, but hopefully that makes sense for you and is what you need.
lmao no worries! i wasn't trying to be rude to anyone here so apologies if it came off that way! i was trying to figure out if there was just something i wasn't understanding. i did contact nintendo about it though as it does seem like an oversight that they would make us pay for something we could largely already do for free.

thank you so much for all the responses though!