Candles 🕯

Do you like candles?

  • Yes, I love them!

    Votes: 59 65.6%
  • Yes, but only unscented ones.

    Votes: 3 3.3%
  • I don't mind them but I don't use them much.

    Votes: 24 26.7%
  • Not really, just not a fan.

    Votes: 4 4.4%
  • No way, they're a fire hazard!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Candles are great! I'm also into incense and just got into burning sage.

I get why people hate this kind of stuff tho, allergies or just bad for the nose in general.
i love candles and might light one now just to help me relax a bit, sometime i might even try incense too, it sounds lovely!
I love them ! Scented or unscented, but for the later, if they're colored. I use them for the atmosphere, aesthetic and for some spiritual practice, but I have to admit I'm always scared it'll start a fire for some reason.
I’d have to have help lighting them as well though. I’ve never used a lighter. 😂
i love candles! i have a bunch sat on my desk, although for years i would just never use candles because my mum instilled this fear in me of accidentally leaving them burning or something. now the candles that i really like are running low, and my matches aren't long enough for me to not risk burning myself when i light them so might be time to invest in a lighter 😅
I LOVE scented candles, esp Bath & BodyWorks candles. Peach Bellini is the BEEEEEEST. I don't light them as often as my incense thou, cause I find the incense to easier manage, or lack of. I can light it and not have to worry about burning anythin cause there really isn't a flame. Since there is no flame, I don't have to keep track of it to blow it out. I keep the stick on a ceramic holder, on a ceramic plate, so it will go out once the stick runs out.

But I will light a candle when I 1 want somethin stronger smelling/the smell to last longer or 2 want to change scents. B&BW doesn't do incense sadly :')
I love candles! My favourites to use are the tapered ones. I have some scented ones and some themed ones (I have a few old Halloween candles in the shape of pumpkins, and one with a cat which are for decorative purposes) as well.
I love candles and nearly always have them lit in the house. My favourites are usually the Autumn and Christmas themed ones, with a particular soft spot for one called Christmas Cookie which always makes the home feel really cosy during the cold months and the scent isn't too strong or sweet.

During the summer I like any fruity scented candle best as they give off a lighter, more refreshing scent so that it doesn't feel too overpowering having it lit during the hotter weather.
I find them pretty to look at but that’s as far as it goes for me when it comes to candles. I find a lot of scented candles give me a headache after awhile and the ones I do have hold a lot of sentimental value. They’ll never be lit and will never be thrown out unless they lose their colouring over time.
I absolutely love scented candles, I have to actively stop myself from buying too many because they don't actually do anything to enhance my life.
I like candles, though I only get use out of them in Autumn and Winter. I feel like they help enhance the vibe of the latter half of the year. Considering that, I only really purchase general Autumn, Halloween, Winter, and Christmas scents. I think it would be kind of cool to get sconces and some candelabra in the future, though currently it's just the three-wick kinds in the jars.
I typically use wax melts more than candles (some of the warmers are so neat!), although I’ll burn some candles during the colder months/holidays.

One of my family’s traditions is to burn a pair of bayberry tapers on Christmas Eve until they’ve gone all the way down. They look and smell so pretty, especially with the tree lights.
I love candles and burn them all the time. There are a few places where it isn't safe to have them, so I also have some Luminara pillar candles on hand. I keep one by my bed and 2 on sconces. The sconce candles I mostly use in the fall and winter, set to a timer. They turn on for when I get home, which is nice. The bedside one is nice to click on as a nightlight, if I get up during the night.

I have a pretty good collection of jar candles - Bath & BodyWorks, HomeWorx (pricey, but SO good!), and Frostbeard (amazing candles that have really nice scents), and I rotate them for the seasons.
Not a fan of room sprays or plug-in scents so I turn to candles when I‘m in the mood for something. I love the aroma of scented candles and the light they emit but don’t burn them often because I always forget about them and leave them for an hour or more.

I usually buy Yankee candles when I see them on sale. Just bought a large midsummer night one for the new place! 🥰 Haven’t tried natural soy candles yet so I think that’ll be my next stop once this one is done.
i like them, but i never really use them much. i would like to start using them more, but honestly i'm not home much to enjoy them.
I love scented and unscented candles, but scented way more. I usually get mine from Yankee Candle, but recently I’ve been addicted to Huntington Home 3 wick candles from Aldi’s (when I can find them). they smell nice and it’s a very good price compared to yankee candle. I don’t light them often though, which I guess defeats the whole purpose of having them, but at least they smell good for those rare occasions when I do lol.
I absolutely love candles!

Keeping myself out of Bath & Bodyworks is a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual struggle. 😗
I love both scented and unscented candles. My favorite scented ones are ones that have the smell of either autumn or lavender. :)
My husband and I love candles. And incense. I have been really in to tea light candles lately though; I've been lighting some every day for the past couple weeks!