Can't Play GC, WW or CF?


Doe Eyed Deer
Jan 17, 2013
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Is there anyone else who can't bring themselves to play any of the old AC games?? I feel like it's taking a step backwards or something. I go to play it and lose interest or start looking up the New Leaf game. Not sure why I am like this, its hard to explain. does anyone else feel this way?
I think that once the game is out that we'll get a little nostalgic itch and pick up the game again.
Once the game is out I will be freaking out with joy :D I meant the old versions not the one coming out :p
I haven't touched my AC games in a really long time. More so for the fact that I just don't want to play them than anticipation for the new one.
I was thinking about getting into CF again, but then I just figured, why bother? I mean it will only disappoint me as it is a replacement for New Leaf before it is released.
The problem for me isn't so much as to that I'm taking a step back, it comes more when I restart my game after having paid off everything, got cool stuff. I'm done with the tedious stuff, I want to get straight to the fun.
I know exactly how you feel. I force myself to keep my town going on City Folk. I can only play it for like up to 10 mins a day.
I've only touched the GCN version and Wild World recently after a long time to check the default patterns so that when New Leaf comes out, I can try to recreate the old default patterns. Some are easy to do like WW's fish pattern, but others will more insidiously difficult like GCN's avant-garde.

However, I do admit that going back to the GCN version is noticeably different.
Noticeably different in a good way, bad way or just different?

That's the one I have never played.
Well, I suppose I know what you mean. It's sort of the thought that everyone else is going to be on that newer game and ditch the older versions that makes you feel as if you can't bring yourself to play any of them. But, I've been playing City Folk a lot recently. And, personally I prefer the big screen Animal Crossing to the small handheld versions.
I definitely prefer the handheld. I like being able to take it with me wherever I go. My life is pretty busy and I go to and from work 5 days a week then to my boyfriends on weekends. If I play CF I will only get to play for an hour a day 5 days a week, probably not even that.
No, not at all. ACGC is still a blast every time I play, and I'm dying to play ACWW again but I can't find either the game or my DS.
I've been playing City Folk for a little bit, but whenever I'm inconvenienced by something fixed in the new version (slow donations to the museum, quickly deteriorating grass, etc) I get frustrated. :p
I've been playing City Folk for a little bit, but whenever I'm inconvenienced by something fixed in the new version (slow donations to the museum, quickly deteriorating grass, etc) I get frustrated. :p

That's exactly how I feel. I got fed up with the terrible frame rate of WW the other day. But AC:GC remains fun for me. That game gives me a better feel.
Even if I manage to play either ACWW or ACCF, I tend to get bored within days. I never consider rebuilding these towns, because it took me a long while to achieve a lot of things and I will be more likely to bore. Since there aren't many people still playing these ageing games online, I just no longer care about them. Remove nostalgia factors, and you got little to no reasons to replay older titles, especially when ACNL will be on the corner. The latter seems like it will occupy me a bit longer than the past iterations, and boy does it trump them!
I can't play any of them. GameCube AC and DS AC were my games. CF wasn't a AC I played much at all until last summer. But now I can't play either one of them.... I guess many of us are on the same boat.....
I don't want to play my WW town anymore. Last I played was this recent New Year's Eve because I wanted to see the fireworks and clean up my town before I put away the game for good. I cleaned up all the weeds, got all the money, and cleaned up my mail. Wild World is now preserved in a state of cleanliness until it gets loaded again. Since I won't be doing that, the town will forever be in a perfect condition.