✿✿✿ Captain Toad - Treasure Tracker ✿✿✿

Luna Moonbug

DA: 5463-9093-9025
Jun 13, 2013
Red Pikmin Easter Egg
Moon Ball
Leaf Ticket Easter Egg
Kirby Easter Egg
Pikachu Easter Egg
Yoshi Easter Egg
Easter Egg
Togepi Easter Egg
Classic Easter Egg
I just bought the game but I haven't played it yet...what do you think of the game?
Toad is so kewt...They actually release Toad Hat and Shirt in Animal Crossing Pocket Camp as a gift to from Nintendo.
I have it on Wii U, and I really enjoyed it! Never managed to beat the final level though. I'll have to go back to it and try again at some point soon.
I really want to play the toad game too, I might ask for it when its Christmas.
I rented the Wii U version from the video store about 3 1/2 years ago, so I don't remember everything about it, but I do remember it being a nice, easy puzzle game. It was fun to sit and binge-play for a while. In about a week I played it up to the point where you start playing as Toadette.

Now be that as it may, but I personally wouldn't consider buying it for full price. Not that I don't think it's worth that much, but it's basically a situation where if someone bought it for me, I'd be happy, but I wouldn't buy it for myself.

I don't know how different the Switch game is, but if it has a lot of new and improved content, I may get it. Though there are quite a few games ahead of it that I want.
I’ll definitely get this for the switch. Toad is super cute!! I like how games like this, both treasure tracker and odyssey, have 2 player options so I can play with my brother.
I tried the 3ds demo, and sadly all of those 3D open world games that I've tried sucks to make the camera playable, it's not something I wanna adjust every 5 seconds because I have to go further sigh... Deconstruct and construct again, please.
I played the demo on my switch and really enjoyed it, I think I'll pick it up when I get paid next ^-^
A little off-topic but is part of this is I got donkey kong tropical freeze on the wii u but I also got it on switch because I love funky kong but I got treasure tracker and it was really fun never completed it but I didn't really need it on the switch I don't know just swapping the super mario 3D levels with the new odyssey never really caught me in.
I actually just picked up this game over the weekend. Haven't played much of it just yet but so far it's super cute and def a great puzzle game to just sit and relax with.
I've finished the game on Wii U (including the final ''hard level) and now playing it again on Switch but this time I wanted to experience how it's like playing in handheld mode.
i just bought the Toad amiibo too...i guess it gives you extra life? heart? not sure yet...still haven't played yet...lol
I'll bump this up for ya because doesn't seem like a lot of people talked about this game enough.
I recently got it on the switch, it?s pretty fun! I really want to 100% the game now so the pages can have all the stamps haha :)
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I recently got it on the switch, it’s pretty fun! I really want to 100% the game now so the pages can have all the stamps haha :)

that's great...i haven't tried it yet ..playing splatoon 2 at the moment...i probably should start soon, my captain toad amiibo came in last week so i can have extra mushroom