sure added.I would like to lurk for Flip, please
Do you only take TBT?
Scoot is in boxes. (free)
sure added.I would like to lurk for Flip, please
Do you only take TBT?
Oh my god. I need Beau. Can I have him?
Um yeah, but don't add my FC in the sidebar. I acually need to clean my rat's cage, but after that, I have a window. I'll send the TBT now.
Add this FC: 0190-3050-3135 and open your gates! I am at the train station!
May I lurk for Roald?
sure added both c:hi ! may i lurk for daisy and maple ?
I have Rolf in boxes nowMay I please lurk for Rolf? Thank you!
Hi! May I please lurk for Cherry?
Hi there!
May I lurk for Punchy?
~Thanks! ^-^