May I lurk for Ribbot, Ankha, and Tangy?
I can get Tutu now. Ankha is in boxes finally.
Even though Ankha is in boxes, can I still get Tutu today or does Ankha have to be actually gone? Also, Ankha will be in my void and I don't know if that's going to make her appear in your town or not.
Okay, good. Alright I'll have to come and get her tomorrow since Ankha's house is still here. Which is annoying. I want Tutu. So close to getting her lol. Oh well I can wait.
hi! I'm new so bear with me please--may I request Deirdre?
great! i've added you, I can come over just about anytime for the couple hours or so c:
can i lurk for kiki ? :')
Hello~ I noticed you have Ruby's card, could I adopt her?
sure but its pretty late now here D: can we do this tomorrow? :3 Sorry about that.