Cast master achievement question


🌜 from Lunasoleil 🌞
Jun 24, 2013
Blue Christmas Stocking
Blue Train Engine
Sleek Train Car
Cute Train Car
Floral Train Car
Yellow Caboose
Crystal Tree
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Froggy Snowman
I'm working on the last part of the cast master achievement(you have to get 50 in a row). I got to 66 and then I messed up so that's the number you see when you look at the achievement list. My question is will that number change if I get more than 66 in a row or not until I hit 100? I'm only catching a handful of fish a day cause I feel like if I try for too many at a time I'll lose the streak again. As I'm doing this I keep checking the achievement but the number isn't changing. I feel like I've caught more by now but I haven't kept count so I may be wrong. I just don't want to keep checking it if the number isn't going to change. Thanks
You'll need to get to 66 in a row, and only after that the number will change, that's if you don't miss again. Ny number is stuck on 76 since forever, and now that I finally got all the fish, I'll try to get that achievement. The only problem is, I often allow my nephew to play the game and he loves fishing, but he's not really good at it yet, so...
You'll need to get to 66 in a row, and only after that the number will change, that's if you don't miss again. Ny number is stuck on 76 since forever, and now that I finally got all the fish, I'll try to get that achievement. The only problem is, I often allow my nephew to play the game and he loves fishing, but he's not really good at it yet, so...

It might be better to create an alt character for your nephew. You don't have to build them a house, but they will be limited to 20 inventory slots.
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It might be better to create an alt character for your nephew. You don't have to build them a house, but they will be limited to 20 inventory slots.
Yeah, that might be a better solution. He doesn't play regularly, but he's all about fishing and catching bugs (and talking to his favorite villagers, like Bill, Marina and Marshall, even though he can't read english yet haha).

Does it require a separate nintendo account? Cause I only have one.
Separate Nintendo account isn’t required for an Alt. He wouldn’t be able to go to other people’s islands, but it sounds like that’s ok for your situation.
Does it require a separate nintendo account? Cause I only have one.

Nope. Just needs another profile added to the Switch to hold the save. No Nintendo account is required.
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Btw the next time you mess up, close your game immediately without letting it autosave and you won't lose your progress.
As others have said the number shown will change when you get passed 66 catches without any getting away, regardless if you make it to he 100 or not. I found that a nightmare to complete and was stuck on 68 for ages and then 82 for quite a while but I did finally reach the 100, its a great relief when you finally make it :giggle: