Casual gaming or competitive?


total a-hole
Jun 19, 2005
What do you guys prefer? For the more slow, dim-witted amongst you (85%), casual gaming is just playing with your friends, having fun, playing the game for fun. Competitive is playing for a nice W, and you take the game very seriously.

For me, it's more competitive. I like to learn everything about the game and break it down. I play on MLG regulations for both Halo 3 and SSBM. I think it adds a lot more value to a game, even though my friends are much more casual than I.
For me, it varies from game to game. I'm usually prefer casual games, but I like competitive play for racing games and first person shooters.
I'm competitive most of the time when I play with others. They get pissed at me when I start rubbing it in their faces. D:
I guess the only time I get extremely competitive is at Judo tournaments. But I never feel quite that way with videogames...
I've always been very competitive, and with gaming it's becoming more so.
Now with xbl etc. I'll be able to play through that.
I'd have to say in between. It really depends on what game I'm playing.

@ Fabs, not everyone at TBT is a complete moron.
I'm pretty casual when I play against my friends but that is because they're really horrible. My brother is way better than them and that is when the games really get going.
depends on who I play with, if I'm playing with noob friends, casual, but if Im with my brother or friends tat have skill, Im super competitive. For single player games I get sucked into it, so Im extremely serious about them.
Lately I've been avoiding multiplayer games in general. Illusion of Gaia, Zack and Wiki, Baten Kaitos, and Phoenix Wright for me.
I prefer casual gaming since pretty much melee is the best 4 player multi player game made in the history of games(well until brawl comes out

^_^ ) it's simply just fun to beat the crap out of your friends and enjoy while your doing this, now that truly is life

Eh, I'm figuring out that I'm a pretty casual gamer when it comes to multiplayer.
I mean, I've dissected Pokemon quite a bit, but there's still people eons ahead of me.
I' casual in the multiplayer sense in that I play multiplayer to PLAY with other people, not to beat them.

But I'm a hardcore gamers of the singleplayer kind.