How did you obtain your gaming consoles? 🎮

The SNES was the first console that I ever used. My dad got it for my siblings and I. Many years later he bought the WII.

The DS was given to me by one of my siblings as a birthday present. The 3DS, on the other hand, I received after the DS tumbled and broke.

The Switch Lite was bought by my oldest sibling as a thank you for assisting my niece with her homework. This was at the start of the pandemic, when schools didn’t know how to work with online teaching.
  • pink ds lite: i'm pretty sure this was a gift from my uncle so that i could play with my cousin
  • wii: my dad bought this for me and my sister and i miss her so much, she got damaged when our basement flooded
  • midnight purple 3DS: my dad bought it for me and my sister to share but my sister ended up not wanting it so it's mine now >:3
  • ACNH switch: i bought it myself during quarantine akjenwkjbrg
  • gaming pc: built my baby during quarantine, sort of like a present to myself during my senior year of college