Pokémon Casual or Competitive?

Mostly casual, although I get a lot of post-game enjoyment breeding shiny/competitive Pok?mon (since I finally figured out how to breed IVs in Moon LOL the concept used to confuse me so much) and with the introduction of bottle caps I don't have to deal w shinies having a couple terrible stats. I play in the Battle Tree (but more so in the Battle Royale Dome honestly) occasionally, but I'm not interested in competitive battles at all. Not a fan of the tier system and way too much strategy involved haha it's just not fun to me. So if I battle online I lose like 99% of the time! But when I win I treasure it. B)

Funnily enough I remember reading some interview about why they didn't include the Battle Frontier in ORAS, something about how not many people would actually care about that feature because it was "too challenging" or something (I'm paraphrasing lol)- in other words because most players are casual.. and I remember that I neverrrrrrr played the Battle Frontier in Emerald as a kid because I sucked n couldn't win but I would love something like that now. Battle Royales against CPUs get old but the majority of online players are too hardcore into the competitive scene for me, idk I just wish I had more options for battles as a only semi-competitive player, it'd make me inclined to pick up the game more often. :V
Um I'm definitely more of a casual player when it comes to Pokemon. Only learned about EV training and competitive battling recently. Well I tried it before but it just sucked the enjoyment out of the game for me. I do understand why people enjoy it so much though. But more into Pokemon for the story and in game battling and catching. Actually I've never played Pokemon online with anyone. This goes for every game series like AC too. I just feel uncomfortable playing with other people for some reason. I just like to play games alone and I also really suck when compared to pretty much every player. But honestly as long as you're having when playing games then that's all that matters.
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I'm a mix of both. I've been slowly getting into competitive battling, but even with my knowledge of previous Pokemon entries, there is still a ton of stuff I don't know. What bothers me about the competitive scene is that it's almost like you are forced to use certain Pokemon, since many Pokemon are not competitively viable. So sure, I do like breeding for good IVs and natures, but I will not choose a Pokemon unless it is one I TRULY like.

For example, I know Rapidash is not that great, but it is still my favorite Pokemon, so I'll try and make it competitive just because I actually like it.
I'm more of a casual player. Though I do pay attention to type strengths/weaknesses and stats, I would never put it in the time to get a Pokemon with perfect IVs, specific nature, etc.

Besides I'm not a fan of battling others. Honestly my favorite part about Pokemon is petting and feeding them lol

im pretty much the same as SuperMario64 over here, but the only time i would go into a competitive battle is if a friend challenged me irl
Causal, for the most part.

I do enjoy playing competitively sometimes. Especially since there’s not much to do after beating the elite four. I don’t take it too seriously though. So maybe that’s not considered “competitive” but I do play in those battles. I just prefer to use the Pok?mon I feel like and not taking hours breeding for specifics. But maybe that’s because I’m still salty 50% of the players use Darkrai and darkvoid the. whole. time. arE YOU thaT BAD DO SOMETHING ELSE
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i enjoy shiny hunting and breeding competitive pokemon, but i'm pretty adverse to doing anything actually competitive in the pokemon series haha
Casual for me. I really don't like competitive battling, as I don't know how to raise the best Pokemon. I know how to breed them, but that's about it. I do enjoy shiny hunting though. So far I got 28 or so shinies. Kinda lost count. xD
Competitive. I’ve raised so many Pok?mon but nobody online is looking to battle.
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I play casually whenever I am playing any Pokemon game. Never really thought about playing Pokemon competitively. Don't think it would be fun for me compared to playing it casually.
i'm in a kinda gray area.
i'm far better than most pokemon in the game.
but i know i would lose in something like a VGC tournament.

out of 137 ( or 138 ) battles, i won 107.
which is a win rate of aprox. 82,1%
Casual, as I am in pretty much any video game ever. I choose the Pokemon I want to use. I don't EV/IV train or whatever, because that is way too much darn time, monotony, and effort put into something as silly as a video game. I feel the same about breeding, natures, etc. None of it has enough of an impact on the single-player game itself, so I don't have to care about it thankfully.
I?m definitely more of a casual player, I?ve only really gotten competitive once and I didn?t even really fully get into. I just made a semi strong team with near perfect IVs. It was a lot of work and I really just didn?t enjoy it very much. I personally prefer the collection part of the game so I like to use my extra time shiny hunting rather than team making. :3
I haven't really done much competitive battling but I've always cared about nature, IVs, and EVs probably more than I should. Every Pokemon I catch I try to get a decent nature and IVs and I try to pay attention to it's EVs even if I'm not necessarily EV training it. Like if I'm training a Bulbasaur against wild Pokemon I'll run from battles that would give me Attack EVs because they're useless on a Venusaur.
I'm just a casual player. I play the story (with post game if there is one), try to catch my favorite Pokemon, try to do as much as I can (like trying to complete the Dex etc.) and yeah, that's mostly it. I will probably never going to be a competitive player at all, I don't even unterstand the whole thing about good IVs, nature and all that. And I don't want to understand it since I don't really care for it to be honest.
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I just catch the Pokemon that I want regardless of what their IV's or whatever are. It's not exactly anything in Pokemon games is particularly hard anyway, so effort there would just go to waste with any single player content.

In regard to competitive, I just dislike how needlessly complicated it is, not to mention the sheer volume of Pokemon that aren't "competitive". Choosing Pokemon based on stats rather than what I actually want to use feels like it defeats the point of the game, IMO.
I prefer casual, but having a competitive nature, I do breed perfect Pokemon for battling.
I usually play pretty casually until I finish the game then I get a little competitive. I like to shiny hunt and breed, but I don't really battle online.
Casual player but will sometimes try to breed competetive Pokemon. Never use them though because I dislike EV training
I tend to be more casual, I'm a bigger fan of catching Pokemon I think are cool or cute than trying to be the strongest.