Shop Catalog or Keep ANY Furniture Item, 280+ Sets, 1:1 NMT, All K.K. Songs, TONS of Materials, IGB, Rare Items (Redd/Gulliver) [TBT Store, LOW PRICES!]

  1. TBT Bells
If we can sync up before I go to bed, I would like to buy a full inventory of IGB (I believe it's 4M or close). Let me know what the final TBT amount would be. Thanks.

Edit: Perhaps upon another morrow
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If we can sync up before I go to bed, I would like to buy a full inventory of IGB (I believe it's 4M or close). Let me know what the final TBT amount would be. Thanks.

Edit: Perhaps upon another morrow

I'm sending you a message right now; just reply whenever you're online.

I’m looking to catalog a black desk and black computer. Do you happen to have those?

Yes, although there's multiple types of desks / computers in this game. There's a laptop and desktop computer, and there's a den desk / writing desk. Let me know which variants you want to catalog.

What’s TBT lmao I’m dumb

TBT is the forum currency. You primarily get it by making posts. If you look under your post count, you can see how many TBT you currently have. (Currently, you have 1 TBT.)
Can I have 2M bells, 3 star fragments and one large star fragment right now?
alright, I'll send you the dodo and give the tbt. can you get it all ready?
alright, I'll send you the dodo and give the tbt. can you get it all ready?
Yeah, let me finish Ras's trade first and then I can get to you. I have to hop off in a few minutes, but I'll be back by 4:50 PM EDT to get your trade done if that ends up happening