inactive: please read "about" tab on profile
If we can sync up before I go to bed, I would like to buy a full inventory of IGB (I believe it's 4M or close). Let me know what the final TBT amount would be. Thanks.
Edit: Perhaps upon another morrow
I’m looking to catalog a black desk and black computer. Do you happen to have those?
What’s TBT lmao I’m dumb
130 TBT.How much tbt is 2M bells?
I have another trade to take care of, but I might be able to trade after that. If not, I can trade in about an hour or so.I sent the TBT. Hopefully we can make the exchange later today. Thanks.
I cannot accomodate reservations, sorry. I'll probably always have a sufficient stock of IGB though, so no worries if you can't pay right now.Can I reserve things?
Sure. That will be 174 TBT.Can I have 2M bells, 3 star fragments and one large star fragment right now?
Yeah, let me finish Ras's trade first and then I can get to you. I have to hop off in a few minutes, but I'll be back by 4:50 PM EDT to get your trade done if that ends up happeningalright, I'll send you the dodo and give the tbt. can you get it all ready?