Shop Catalog or Keep ANY Furniture Item, 280+ Sets, 1:1 NMT, All K.K. Songs, TONS of Materials, IGB, Rare Items (Redd/Gulliver) [TBT Store, LOW PRICES!]

  1. TBT Bells
Would I be able to catalog these items:

Hanging scrolls


and the Black Long bathtub

for 70 TBT correct?
Ah. I'll get back to you later then, I'm one TBT short. See you in a while!
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Wait what. where did that one come from. Er.... I'll take it?
You get TBT by making posts. So the last post that you made probably pushed you past 10 TBT. I can let you keep the black refridgerator too. That being said, I can't trade for approximately an hour. I'll message you when I'm ready to trade. Is that alright with you?
You get TBT by making posts. So the last post that you made probably pushed you past 10 TBT. I can let you keep the black refridgerator too. That being said, I can't trade for approximately an hour. I'll message you when I'm ready to trade. Is that alright with you?
Yeah that's okay! See you then. :)
I'd like to catalog all diner and surfboards. So, 120 TBT?
there's seven different variants of the diner set, and the surfboards would make an eighth set. the total would be 240. :)
Oh. and would you happen to have a pitfall seed I could buy?
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Okay, I can do that.