Shop Catalog or Keep ANY Furniture Item, 280+ Sets, 1:1 NMT, All K.K. Songs, TONS of Materials, IGB, Rare Items (Redd/Gulliver) [TBT Store, LOW PRICES!]

  1. TBT Bells
Can I get the soft-serve lamp, papa bear, and wall-mounted tv? Also if you still have songs, I am looking for Bubblegum K.K. and I Love You. :)
Can I get the soft-serve lamp, papa bear, and wall-mounted tv? Also if you still have songs, I am looking for Bubblegum K.K. and I Love You. :)
What colors are you looking for for those three items?
Do you have the rainbow soft serve lamp, dark brown papa bear with a blue bow, and the blue wall-mounted tv?
Yes. The total would be 40 TBT. Normally I do cataloging only, but I can get you these items to keep. Send me the TBT, and I'll send you a Dodo code to pick up the five items.
hey again I’d love to catalogue the anthurium plants and simple panels when u got time B)
bump before bed -- this thread may be restructured in the near future, i've been putting it off for some time but i (finally) might have some time this weekend.
im bumping this one more time since i'm still awake. i may or may not be able to trade tonight though, as i am (actually) going to bed soon

Also, before I forget: Most trades will have to take place at your (the buyer's) island for today and tomorrow. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This is temporary.
here we go, off the rails, don't you know it's time for us to raise our sails?
say the word i'll be there in a flash

you could say my hat is off to youuuuuuuuuuu