Shop Catalog or Keep ANY Furniture Item, 280+ Sets, 1:1 NMT, All K.K. Songs, TONS of Materials, IGB, Rare Items (Redd/Gulliver) [TBT Store, LOW PRICES!]

  1. TBT Bells
I'd be interested in cataloging these sets:

Double-door refridgerators
Grand Pianos
Kitchen Islands
Mountain Bikes
Plastic Pools
Upright Pianos

Which would be 210 TBT, if I'm not mistaken

*Edited because I left off the double-door fridges, though the number was right for seven sets :)
I'd be interested in cataloging these sets:

Double-door refridgerators
Grand Pianos
Kitchen Islands
Mountain Bikes
Plastic Pools
Upright Pianos

Which would be 210 TBT, if I'm not mistaken
Sure! Are you free to trade right now?
Sounds good, give me a few minutes to get everything set up. :)
Also, if it's not too much trouble, I'll take your real copies of these two:

Real Twinkling Painting
Real Scenic Painting

For an additional 60 TBT when I come by to catalog. If that's possible?
Also, if it's not too much trouble, I'll take your real copies of these two:

Real Twinkling Painting
Real Scenic Painting

For an additional 60 TBT when I come by to catalog. If that's possible?
Yeah, that works for me. I'll locate those paintings for you and have them laid out for you whenever you come to catalog :)
bump! i'll be online for another two or three hours before calling it a night
last bump for the evening! i'll be on for another 30 minutes to an hour. i'll check this thread sometime in the morning tomorrow after that
bump; i'm going to be adjusting prices on gulliver items later today
bump! i've adjusted the prices on all of the gulliver items significantly downward; the price cuts range between 20 and 30 tbt. these adjustments were made in response to shifts in the economy. if you're interested in buying gulliver items (or anything for that matter), feel free to message me or reply below.

i'll be on for at least the next three or four hours. i might be on beyond that time, but we'll see what happens.
last bump for the evening! I’ll be on for another hour or so before calling it a night.